Dementia, Hydration and Jelly Drops

When we found out about this fun way to help our customers with dementia to stay hydrated we had to buy some.

We are one of the first companies in the UK who have been lucky enough to obtain some of these amazing products.

These Jelly drops are a fun and easy way to keep those with dementia hydrated which is important as the weather gets warmer. We have brought several boxes of these, with one already being used by our customers with very good feedback from her family.

We’ve also tried them in the office, and they taste absolutely brilliant.

It is an amazing idea and we can’t wait to give the rest away to our customers.

To learn more about the product visit:

Read what The Alzheimers Society have to say about them too:

@jellydrops #silverbirchhealthcare #healthcare #dementia #dementiaawareness #hydrate #stayhydrated #stayhealthy #jellydrops #alzheimerssoc #age_uk

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